
One thing that confuses me is why everyone things the Blair Walsh kick was a huge deal? Yes it sucked but it was in a wildcard game in a year where we were gonna get rolled in the next round if we pulled of the win.

I was really hating the Harrison to the Patriots thing, mainly because I dislike the inevitable march to win 6 this year. (Kind of why I can’t enjoy the NBA because of the inevitable march to Dubs/Cavs round 4)

I am not an MMO person but I always assumed it was real, though I should have known better since that video is the only time an MMO has looked fun to me.

technically you are right i would not be following your lead in the getting up and getting a drink thing, we would both be following the leads of literally billions of humans who mastered drinking things before we were born.

“If I wake up and get something to drink before you do, are you following my lead? No.”

How the hell do we know that? I don’t presume to know why any person who is not me makes any decision. However I am sure both were aware of how the EPL does things since they share broadcasters so it is not outside of the realm of possibility the used it for inspiration.

The English Premiere league has been doing simultaneous starts of the final match day for well over a decade so MLB and NFL would be following their lead not the other way around.

95 was strike shortened as well, it started late and only ran 144 games instead of a full 162.

My guess would have been because Jeter is from Michigan and the mascot for u of Michigan is the wolverines, but I think i like your answer better.

From the pictures I have seen online the sight lines are horrible for hockey, like entire sections where you can’t see the near goal. So I can see fans hating it.

Respawn points are hardly millennial, they have been around in games forever, hell I would camp near them for cheap kills while playing Golden Eye on N64, and I am on the older side of Gen X.

I would say both, but he is the best thing ESPN has going for it these days not counting live sports.

Brooklyn is on an Island, for that matter the Rangers play on an Island as well since Manhattan is also an island.

No they didn’t the first known American Football game was played between Rutgers and Princeton on Nov. 6 1869.

If you think the strike zone is less arcane that what an NFL catch is you clearly do not watch baseball.

He’s a Bears fan I believe, so he has suffered enough.

They haven’t won a match but they haven’t had a bad season though. They are third on the table and only 2 points out of second. (Bayern is was out in front as per usual.)

My comment was not in regards to any administration, the real question is pleasing the right bureaucrats for life not in any elected official.

I would say it is doubtful, even with the Fox stuff added to Disney there is still a lot of the media market left over. For example Disney now has roughly 40 percent of the movie making industry but that still leaves 60 out there. (Those are the numbers i have seen quotes a couple of places no clue how they were

I hear it used pretty regularly to mean everything from tablets to main frames. Hell one of my co-workers calls her smart phone a pocket computer, which is correct as well.