
Compared to the sun the Earth is small, but compared to the moon it is big, about 6 times the size, if the moon was bigger we would go around it instead of the other way around.

As a Vikes fan I say leave Keenum in there for the year, at the start of next season I want Bridgewater as QB1 but Keenum has earned the spot for the rest of the season. And lets face it neither one is winning a Superbowl, this season will be another Pats win. I really want to be wrong about that but who beats them

Why would staying be bad for Stanton? He gets paid the same either way and has been on a shitty team for a while now , not like one more year there hurts him.

This Is so true. I belong to neither party and had not voted for McCaskill in any of her other elections (Where I live i had plenty of opurtunity) but I voted for her over Akin, and I was not the only one I heard some pretty staunch Republicans tell me the same thing.

I think you mean inter-conference, which would mean between two teams in different conferences.

Could be the angle or style if netting, who knows never been behind the netting at any other park.

Really? The company i work for has season tickets to the local minor league team right behind the dugout where there is netting and I go 5-8 times a year and usually by the third inning I have stopped noticing it.

Not really spot on but good enough.

Yeah I get that. I think a lot of people did over estimate the Wolves this year. the optimism thing happened last year two they were supposed to be a break out team and we know how that turned out. To me 2016-17 was a disappointment because I thought they had a team that could have contended for a playoff spot but

True but I wouldn’t see a seventh or 8th seed in the west to be a disappointment. Like i said in the post you are responding to they are a 6-8 seed team, playing to your level is not really something i would call a disappointment. Right now their Win/Loss shows a bit of over performance but that would indicate the

Going forward I don’t think the season will count as a disappointment for the wolves unless they fall completely out of the playoffs.

How are the Wolves a disappointment this year? They are 14-11 and at number 5 in he west.

I knows the conversation is long over but the 49ers-Bears game just proved Ol’ John Madden wrong again. Niners won 15-14 but Bears scored more TDs 2-0.

I had the 1987 version, I played that game so much that i filled a note book up with results and I would replay whole seasons.

I have to agree partially, Calc 1, 3 and Diff Eq were fine, Calc 2 was a son of a bitch.

I think I would rather be hated for all of eternity than voluntarily move to Oklahoma.

By that logic my aunt is a real coach too. Who knows she might be right now she has won as many games as Hue Jackson has this year.

The tanking part would have made sense at the beginning of the season, but after 6 wins it is too late. There is no lottery in the NFL it is straight by record and even if they lost out, 6-10 puts you in the middle of the round not getting anyone worth tanking for. Tight now you might as well push for the playoffs,

Saw a graphic a few years back that listed the job titles of each states highest paid employee, I think most were either football or basketball coach.

Jon Gruden has become the new Bill Cowher, linked to every job but never taking any. Which makes perfect sense, both realized you can make good money in broadcasting, (with the endorsements Gruden has likely close to what he would make as a coach), with a crap ton less work and pressure. Why would he ever go back to