
Well there are two main reasons, one he is a better DC than HC and the team he is DC for is winning so no one there is rocking the boat.

Also when it comes to the Naismith Basketball HOF, NBA is not the only consideration, international and college performances are as well. Ewing had a big college career where Dwight had none and Wing was on the Dream Team which will count for a lot in some folks minds.

Nothing against Tyrod but why would Minn pick him up, the Vikes have Bridgewater who will be healthy, and hopefully the strangely competent Keenum as backup.

Here is White Thankgiving in brief, we all gather with the families we don’t like. Watch football, (Go vikes this thursday) then eat until we cant move. At some point half the group will go start shopping, and at about seven I call my friends (the people I want to spend time with) and we get together at a bar where we

Pooh Richardson never sucked he was always awesome. Though to me honest I didn’t realize he had ever played for the Clippers in my mind he will always be one of the original Twolves.

I think the comment was stupid but phila is in his handle so I am willing to best Eagles fan.

How is Pete Carroll a hall of fame coach? I don’t object to the attempted trick play here, but he is a good coach but no way hall material.

That man was not wise, most points wins, while that most often means more TDs there are games every year where that is not the case.

I gotta disagree,, I am a Vikings fan, let next season take care of itself and focus on getting to the playoffs this year. I have no illusions that they will win once there, but at least make it to the dance even if you spill punch on you tux and your date ditches you, it is better than sitting at home.

With that statement I have to wonder how you could watch any NFL team given who the owners are as people. (Note I mean this on the strength of their non-football related actions even before looking at the football related ones)

And either he was cut and went somewhere else out of revenge

A contract is only as good as the lawyers fighting for it. trust me if it is beneficial to get out of one any company including NFL teams find a way. I have nothing but praise for an Employee/ Player who can find a way to do the same.

They are certainly entitled to file a suit for it, as to weather or not they are entitled to the money is a matter the courts will decide. This is why lawyers always win.

I am not a Celtics fan, but I would argue the Celtics being good is a good thing mainly because anything that makes Cavs-Warriors 4 seem like less of a certainty is a good thing.

The main reason at the time was to protect college revenue and since at the time (1961) a lot of the country did not have an NFL team in the area there was a lot of support for legislators to protect the interests of the folks back home which were more focused on college football.

This is a simple answer, if you are working for a company that is going nowhere (the packers this year) you will not risk as much compared to if you are working for a company that has the potential to pay off huge when it comes to bonuses (Pats this year, with playoff checks and the possibility of another ring).

Teague went to Minnesota not Milwaukee.

Why are the Vikes on that list? Before the season I would have agreed, but Keenum has been winning. I don’t care about stats as long as he keeps winning I want him out there. An ugly win is much preferred to a pretty loss.

I agree with getting rid of the games, I will watch just about any crap game you put on Sunday or Monday but the only Thursday I watch football is Thanksgiving/ This is true even when my favorite team is playing Thursdays.

Regardless of my agreement or disagreement with the statement I would like to point out potential does not equal success until it is realized.