
Yeah I can definitely see the advantage of no electronics or things that can prevent the deep sleep people need, my issue was the more the tone of the quote especially the choosing of the word contaminated. Since that has a negative connotation if he had called his bedroom a technology free zone or something like that

I am still trying to figure out how any room can be uncontaminated by technology. I am willing to bet a mortgage payment I can find a nail or a screw in the walls which is technology, old tech but still tech.

The answer is simple math. As of this year there are 130 FBS teams and 32 NFL teams. So while some schools like Alabama have quite a few players that will end up in the NFL every college QB plays quite a few games against defenses with 0 or a couple of future NFL players.

Trust me I would like to be proven wrong and have him be a great coach, but the results just aren’t there.

As a Vikes fan that is a pretty low bar for success, a career .571 record and zero playoff wins.

Not sure about now but when I was growing up the Twins got far more love than the Vikes. (I graduated HS in 93) Though two recent titles, Puckett, and Hrbek were the likely reasons for that. I have bot been up there for a while but it would not surprise me to see that had reversed.

Why? I mean that is the least hot take ever, people have been calling Aj the best in the world since 2004. I mean it is a matter of taste so you will never get universal agreement but just about everyone would put AJ in the conversation.

I think both Hinkie and Colangelo suck but on what planet has was Hinkie has done as a general manager been better than Ainge when Ainge has won a title and built another contender on the fly without sucking for years?

That was close to my first thought as well. Is this the Jameer Nelson I remember or his son just to make me feel really old.

That all depends on what you mean by a legit #2 but I don’t think we will see one soon. TNA had potential until 09 when Hogan and Bischoff killed the company with the move to Monday.

Not one of the normal sets, looks to me like the home jerseys with the away pants to give the color rush effect with out the horrid.

You mean round four right? Cause round 3 was last year. Warriors won 3 years ago, cavs 2 and warriors last season.

Andy Reid is a much better coach than McCarthy, look at what he did in Philly, 4 straight NFC championship games and as much as I like McNabb, he was never really in the Best QB in the league convo, both Favre and Rodgers spent a decade in it.

He was the time that stuck. He retired at least once officially with GB before that, and talked about it at least a few more times than that.

I know a fair number of Packer fans, not that they would admit it today but a lot of them were pretty Pro-Brett and said Rodgers would never be as good back in 2007. Granted, don’t think the situations are close after all Rodgers will be back next year if not sooner but there was plenty of people who said it back

You’re missing the best part Bennett dropped the pass on the play so it was all for nothing.

Cook’s injury was not even the result of a tackle he tore a tendon on the cutback he made. Watching the game you could clearly see him falling and grabbing the knee before he was touched. Which supports your point even more.

What was there to get out of the article?

Not the original poster but if you want to know the number since 2008 (when he became a starter) it is 9, though that only counts the games he was out of completely so for example yesterdays would not count as an official game due to injury because he played even if briefly. So a true number would be 9 plus any pieces

Seattle is in Oklahoma now? Or are we just ignoring KD’s rookie year? He even won Rookie of the Year while in Seattle.