
I was going to not watch much college football this year. It was supposed to be an easy season to quit since none of the teams I like are supposed to do anything.

I was lucky, I turned from the game at halftime because I am sane. After a bit i was channel surfing and got stupid lucky and caught the game just as UCLA cut the lead to six. Ending was spectacular.

But we have seen it done to the Jets. The most famous of all fake spike plays was done to them by Dan Marino. :)

This theory is incorrect. I have been to Dallas, if there are no Cowboys fans from their then there are certainly a shit ton of tourists in Cowboys gear. And I was there in March during the Quincy Cater/whoever the hell else they had at QB that sucked between Aikman and Romo era.

My guess is it is the standard NFL city thing of employers allowing workers to dress down before home games if they wear team gear.

Same Bill O’Brien, he left the pats to be HC at post scandal Penn State, and from there to the Texans.

Your right if Drew didn’t write this time would rewind and Harvey would be reverted. Or maybe this column has no bearing on anything improtant one of the two for sure.

Jay Peterman, world famous seller of clothes and the best the Jets could scrape together to play QB. They were also going to make history by bringing in Elaine Benes to play wide receiver but she refused to take off an Orioles hat to put on the helmet so they had to cut her.

I think you have the right take, not a lions fan but looking at the franchise I don’t see any way they can let him go, since roughly 2/3 rds of the league is looking for a competent starter when you have one don’t let him go. Stafford might not be great but he definitely is competent at least.

Sadly as a Vikes fan I can see the similarity but Stafford is the better version.

In the NFL yes as there is a very detailed uniform code, in college not really so I would not be shocked to see someone do it.

Pretty much every tournament but the majors is already best of three. It will likely happen in them as well but not for a bit.

Mainly to prevent the same match up from repeating, tennis ranking while fluid are often not volatile meaning the same guys might stay at the same ranking for an extending period of time.

There is one difference, in his prime Flair would have carried the pillow to a four star match, complete with blood and likely a Dusty finish.

If you have $100 and need a good time that badly there are this magical places called strip bars.

Honestly I am not sure on that one, though I would tend to assume the player would still be hosed given this is the NFL we are talking about. Someone with a lot more knowledge than me would have to answer that.

As a Twolves fan mediocrity would be a step up from the last decade.

That would likely depend on what the Lions would ask for or even if they were willing to deal, scary fact according the the CBA time spent retired doesn’t count against the contract so Megatron is under contract for the Lions for however many years are left. Though if he unretires he does count as a roster spot which

Toss Harley Race on that list too, really good guy and friendly with fans. Runs a wrestling school in MO.

Nothing to do with the article but my best brush with celebrity story. It was the late 1990s, likely 98 or 99, and I was in a small bar not far from St. Louis listening to a local musician play and Leon Spinks walks in, no entourage but I guy who I think was a personal assistant or manager, any way the musician