
Sounds good, and I must say even though Detroit moving to the East makes sense I will miss those play off series, always great hockey even if you bastards won most of the time. :)

In the early decades of comics (started in the late 30s) and pretty much until the 80s the creators were getting paid peanuts and for the most part had no royalties in their contracts so I don’t think they would care about people reading comics long after they retired.

That is definitely worth a star.

Wade Wilson was an NFL quarterback for a decade before Rob Leifeld created the Merc with a Mouth.

The Bucs were never in the NFC north it was the NFC Central they were in with what would become the NFC North.

This entry from ZMF was like opening he biggest present on Christmas morning and finding a box full of socks.

Because that would make them a shitty fan. You can choose any team you like when you start watching a sport, (I am not one of those people who say you have to pick local teams) but once you pick a team you stick to it.

I am aware that Fifa as well as US Soccer and Whatever England calls their thing all have other obligations besides profit, I just don’t believe for a second that any of those groups put those obligations above making themselves money just like a club and have seen no evidence to lead to to think otherwise since I

Ahh so only players should be altruistic then? Or do you also write comments suggesting that the networks air them with out charging for advertising and the stadiums not sell tickets to them or best of all the organizations not charge the networks for broadcasting rights?

I would say both, after all Cleveland fans do have a lot to thank Kyrie for he did help win the town’s first title in decades (Scarily not hyperbole). And also if I was a Cavs fan I would be loving the trade so my vote here would be both.

Altruism? Maybe I am wrong and they do things differently in England but over here the National team sells the rights to broadcast games and players get paid to play in Nat team games, I know for damn sure FIFA and UEFA sell the broadcast rights for every major tournament so nothing is given away. So where pray tell

As a Midwesterner I can tell you the reason for this the cultural focus on making do. Even in the modern world the Midwest has a lot of open space between places and weather that makes getting cut off from the outside world a real possibility, so you learn to do what you can and work with anybody. This is likely the

I think if they want respect for a job they should get good at it first. If you notice an ump during the game he is not doing a good job.

What undermines umps authority is getting calls wrong and failing to have anything resembling a consistent strike zone.

A lot would depend on the degree the minimum salary is 40k with the average hitting 51K granted the is small time compared to the NBA but compared to normal American salaries that beats most just out of college jobs.

As a Vikes Fan I know the only conspiracy against my team is in its own front office. Though I might be confusing general incompetence with a conspiracy.

I had the same thoughts, I played organized football in junior high but not after that and I can recognize most NFL defenses, granted I couldn’t reliably tell you how to beat them but still would know which player was which position.

I live in Missouri and while not one I know a bunch of Missouri Tigers fans, I can assure you none of them see Illinois as a rival.

I don’t think any Vikes fan expected him to make that kick. I know I didn’t. Though I got drunk for free as the crowd of mostly Chiefs fans around me bought me sympathy drinks.

Mack is either very young or has killed most of his brain cells with alcohol. Last year as the fourth worst thing? As I vikings fan I can safely say it was no where near the top ten.