Oh, God, this is really, really bad.
Oh, God, this is really, really bad.
OK, that’s cool! But it doesn’t explain the thing about there being a gay person on every county or zip code in the US. I know I remember reading about that, and its effects on potential policy-making and resource allocation. I remember hearing about it on the radio, as well as reading about it in print media....
Well, a bunch of it is. Only part of it is going to legal battles.
OH, I totally agree. McCain seemed to be desperate, and Romney determined to screw the poor and disadvantaged, but neither seems particularly venal. And they certainly wouldn’t have sold us out to the Russians for the price of a 20-unit waterfront condo complex in Vancouver!
This never gets old, especially now, it is evergreen.
Wow, we still have the dishes and glassware from our wedding 30 year ago, and we still use it. Most of the towels and sheets have worn out or are being used for rags, but still, Towels and sheets and dishes and glassware and really nice cooking pots and pans? Yes, please. The crappy saucepans that burn your food…
We can have a cleaning party afterwards. We’ll have to pick up after the luau anyway, and donate the leftover food and stuff. A tidy, thoughtful Revolution is a Revolution that lasts.
This was my New Year’s card this year.
This is a good point. If we’re sticking with Fringe, though, if we try to move that many people and that much real estate through the gap, both universes will be badly destabilized.
It’s hard to have a violent upheaval when you are wearing Hawaiian shirts....
Oh, no. They get to eat “scared white guys huddling in the panic room” MRE’s. We get the roasted pig and pineapples and coconut custard!
It’s my favorite, too!
Thank you. It took forever to find it!
I am so there. Riot in Hawaiian gear! It will be a festive riot, with a big luau and fish fry on the white house lawn.
Maybe we can do a “Fringe” type of thing and escape to Hillary’s universe. If I can take my family, my dog, and my best friend, I’m going!
This is a really good idea. Maybe the Art Department can make up a figure, like Garry Trudeau used to do on Doonesbury, to substitute for Trump in photos where it doesn’t matter what he’s doing. The obvious choice will be a giant Cheeto, of course!
Ponies, I have a question. I have a distinct memory that the 2010 Census included questions (or at least information that came back) about sexual orientation, because I remember hearing in the news that folks who were analyzing the Census discovered that there were gay people in every Zip Code in the US.
I have been pricing them at gardener’s supply! Pitchforks kinda expensive, but a good one will last you a lifetime, torches are quite inexpensive! yay!
Must save this — it is the best!