
Hey, I think this is a most excellent choice, and should serve as a model for many other young ladies. In my town, the cops are always happy to show up and turn a fellow away from trouble, and give him a word to the wise. Call the cops early, ladies! Save yourself a peck of trouble later on!

Oh, that is very low behavior indeed. They should have their passports temporarily revoked (leaving the US) for that. I am not a well-traveled person by any means, but everybody knows that when someone in a foreign country puts themselves out to cook either a local meal or a meal like one from home for you, you

Well, it’s not like he was there all the time. If she had shut him down after this big gesture, he would have wandered away. I think that’s the difference. I think when you see the movie, it gets clearer that it’s just a one-time thing.

We miss you, Hillary! I miss you — the voice of reason, the woman who never gives up. Sigh.

God, I know.

The stories were amazing, and the detail they went into was positively Thoreauvian. What also surprised me was that a big, glossy magazine was recommending confiscatory taxes. It was a surprising and illuminating read, and it has stayed with me for many years.

Oh, it’s a fascinating question. One of my favorite financial stories of the last 10 years was an article in Worth Magazine promoting confiscatory tax rates for personal holdings over a billion dollars. It went over in great detail all of the stuff you could buy with that much money, and how amounts over that much


It’s an ourobouros!

This look like the console from my Grandma’s Jaguar, except the steering wheel was on the other side, and the dash was made of rosewood....

“Tokyo By Night” rears its ugly design head once again. Honestly, it’s like a vampire character in a bad novel — just when you are sure it’s dead, it comes back!!!!

This story gave me so much schadenfreude!

Hey, I’m sorry. That bites. And it really does make a person incredibly angry!

* hiccuping sound *

Eisenhower was disturbingly prescient about this. And I think they hoard the money precisely to keep it out of our hands, not because they want to do stuff with it.

OMG, good point! Infection AND anti-clotting agents to boot!

Oh, yeah!

These are great! Thank you!

Um, yes.

I’m just praying, praying, praying (besides for the guy’s complete recovery) that somebody got some video of all of these American citizens (including babies and children) being shot and then dragged from their homes illegally. I learned years ago at Greenpeace that video is what makes the difference between shocking