
Oh, you are so right about that! It’s not hard, but it doesn’t come naturally, either....

Call me when you are ready. I will join you.

This is wonderful.

I guess assuming people are rational about money is a mistake.

I totally, totally wish that a bunch of people of color in low-crime areas would go out and buy guns and register them. They wouldn’t even have to buy any ammunition. Look how fast we’d get gun control back!

Well, I use that phrase all the time, but maybe not in the way you’re thinking:

Yeah, I don’t buy that explanation at all (it was racism and sexism.) Most everybody these days feels economically anxious, because the rich are hoarding all of the money and not allowing it to circulate or paying it out in wages, salaries, or taxes.

I totally believe you on this. But what baffles me is how they imagined these “programs” were going to discern between the deserving (whites) and the undeserving (people of color.) Did they thing there was going to be a paper bag test?

Well, that person got what they deserved. That doesn’t look anything like Kevin Smith!

She is most of NYC right now. As in, “keep your hatred and bigotry off of our streets, shithead.”

Of course! *winks* I would never trip lightly through his DC neighborhood on a beautiful early summer day whilst hunting butterflies and manage to stumble into his garden and accidentally encounter him. Never, never....

Wel, that’s supply and demand for you. If there were fewer poor people, eventually the law of supply and demand would mean that the remaining folks would be paid more...

I could never figure that out. Under what circumstances did his voters assume that they would be the ones who actually got paid? What what?

Oh, Lord, save us from the liars and the hypocrites, since they impoverish and degrade us at the same time!

Well, that was supposed to be part of the joke....


I had not considered it that way, but that makes a lot of sense.

I’m more concerned that the folks who opposed him, are neutral, or didn’t vote be pissed off about this. I’ve written off the 19%....

Ugh. I know. We gotta get these bums out!

Ah! Very good. I remembered the insider trading thing, but I’m afraid the other stuff still confuses me.