Got it! I knew about the Reichstag fire, but thought you were referring to something that had already occurred here. It is a terrifying thought, and little wonder we are not getting much sleep, these days.....
Got it! I knew about the Reichstag fire, but thought you were referring to something that had already occurred here. It is a terrifying thought, and little wonder we are not getting much sleep, these days.....
This country needs all the neurosurgeons it can get right now. Between the people who voted for Trump, who need their head examined, and the brainless (and spineless) in DC, we need neurosurgeons.
This feels like and English class exercise now.
The Washington Post hired 60 new investigative reporters to look into the Trump Administration’s ties to Russia! Who knew Donald Trump would actually create jobs and save print journalism!?!
I was sad to see that, too. I mean, I like Joy, but....
New York is paying for an Independent Prosecutor to look into all this. I wonder how that works and how that will affect things?
I will admit my mind became overwhelmed...but I’m pretty sure I got the gist.
Also, even Dick Cheney is turning on Trump over this. That man still has evil powers.
For fuck’s sake, they even have a supervillain acronym name.
“A married Houston neurologist couple” would work too.
I was just wondering what phrase might work better. Perhaps, “The married couple, both Houston neurologists...”
I for one am just going to trust Dear Leader Drumpf that these are the Bad Hombres he was warning us about. Obviously their surgical skills and dedication to their patients pose a clear and immediate danger to the nation.
This given me hope, I gotta tell you.
Their skin is brown, silly.
Honestly this makes perfect sense. Demolish the health care system and then kick out all the doctors. Only the strongest and those wealthy enough to get healthcare internationally survive.
100% right.
Good Lord, these people are SURGEONS. They are productive members of society. They are law-abiding residents who just want to live their lives. They HELP PEOPLE. WHY DO YOU WANT TO KICK THEM OUT?
Stone then Manafort. Then Jared.
This would make sense. May not be the case here, but immunity is usually reserved for people who have some leverage. The FBI and DOJ and intelligence committees may not 100% need Flynn’s testimony to get where they’re going. Or, maybe they’re following the art of the deal and negotiating for something less than…