Well, you’re comparing it with a Trump, so I’d wouldn’t start higher than invertebrates! Possibly bacteria…
Well, you’re comparing it with a Trump, so I’d wouldn’t start higher than invertebrates! Possibly bacteria…
Now we know what stories the Enquirer was burying for them…
He’ll probably blame them all on Klaus Kinski!
Stop giving Michael O’Leary ideas!
We’ve all been there!
The thing is… With all the free time at their disposal now, you’d think the Splinter staff would have improved their troll game. I mean, it’s not like they’ve a lot else to do with their days!
I’m presuming you meant “after 9/11”? Unless they’re now recruiting senior citizens with promises of free healthcare, what you wrote doesn’t really carry much pathos!
All great fashion experts talk like that, dah-link!
If only there was some Armenian handy who could explain why that phase is a bad idea…
The legal paperwork is from Charles Harder…
Not it’s not; that’s Lt. Hurwitz!
You’re making one fundamental assumption about mermaids that may not be correct…
It won’t get approved until they rastafy Dionne by 10%!
Can we get Harry Enfield to play Mediocre and Kathy Burke as Jon Lansman?
Real men don’t need horses!
I’d have thought they’d want to publicise Kim Jong Un single-handedly winning the game 57-0?
Unfortunately, this whole trend won’t bottom out until you have a biopic of Jeffrey Dahmer on the Cooking Channel!
Nah, the staff haven’t given him his phone back yet. Give it time for the ‘real’ Mango Moron to awaken.
Uh Muck, please… No… I just ate a whole plate of dingamagoo!