Hasn’t that poor fucking dog suffered enough in its life?
No one else can make them do it, and they’re not obligated to listen to Fox News yet….
Stephenmiller! Stephenmiller! Stephenmi…
Cora looks lovely; my uncle used to show and judge Russian Blues.
Stupid git!
I told you… I’m not allowed to argue unless you pay.
No he’s not…
Can I still enter even if I didn’t call my pet Cadbury?
Somehow I’m sensing less “pirate” and more “rodent of unusual size” from your photos!
On a related note, a friend of my ex told us the greatest aphrodisiac known to parents is the theme music to “Thomas the Tank Engine!” You have 10 minutes, use them well…
No-one has the sense of humour to send Sherman to Savannah???
Has the whole world gone crazy? Am I the only one around here who gives a shit about the rules?
Fuck you!
I don’t care how much you pay, you can’t watch!