PooJavelin Eats Herbs For Lunch!

My Dad is dying. Not from Covid19. He is blind and has dementia, and on Friday he fell over, which happens sometimes. He fractured his skull, and his brain is bleeding. He’s not a candidate for surgery, so now we just wait. He’s not in any pain, he’s mostly just sleeping.

Shelter Catstravaganza!

...Also, make a damn will if you don’t want your spouse to get everything.


One of the great utilities of the comment section on The Root is you read a post like this about garbage humans doing garbage things and you shake your head wondering if it’s actually possible people are this f’ing ignorant, then you scroll down a bit and see some all caps clown saying ‘hold my beer’.

i’m sorry. On top of my illness, My anger over something that happened last week triggered my chronic pain to the point that I have slept almost nonstop since late Friday.

I promised y’all a picture of my gator mask, especially with me in it. Decided to share one from our official photographer. (Taken during a dress rehearsal, which is why you can see the neck of the mask and the hinge in the “wall”.) I’m still in possession of the mask (it’s right next to me in fact), and still

Fortunately, Supreme Court justices are their own arbiters of whether they will recuse themselves. No one else can make them do it, and they’re not obligated to listen to Fox News. 

Animal rights? Has she met her brother-in-law?

Make the footage of Notary public, Disney.

I fully support any efforts to push 3rd from the sun footage. 

Shelter Catstravaganza!

This man can do it all: play a dog, play an ape, and legalize your documents for a small fee

Your Jim Ross joke is the funniest thing I’ve read all day. Thank you.

Trump told audience-goers: “I don’t know if this is a fact, but she had a horrible social media account. She’s, I guess from what I hear, a very strong woman, a very dominant person, so she can get people to do whatever she wants,”

Isn’t Buttigieg basically just putting out the exact same memo that Bloomberg put out, except after having a good debate performance whilst Bloomberg wandered into a steel cage match and uttered “Bah gawd, that’s Elizabeth Warren’s music!”

I mean...sure, I’ll cast a vote for Kodos and pretend like it’s infinitely better than Kang when the differences are marginal at best.

A human being has married Stephen Miller

Billboob? Does he live near Bag End?