
Huh? What journals are you submitting to where peer review is a joke? I always get the pickiest ass reviewers who go through the manuscript with a fine toothed comb.

I did that with my first and it seriously screwed up the breastfeeding. Frequent feedings in the first 48 h are crucial otherwise your body decides you don’t actually have s baby.

A lot of random knowledge like that which is why I’m not so in favor of having lots of meds be available OTC. Apparently in India all meds are available without a prescription and now they have a huge problem with antibiotic resistance.

Right, I’m not sure the OCP/clot risk thing is general knowledge. (I’m an MD and it was covered in med school.) There is

That’s not a terrible idea. It’s essentially what the morning after pill does. I’d be more worried about smokers or older women taking the pills and stroking out.

Oh yeah, last week my older male neighbor saw me rolling in the trash bins and said, “that’s a man’s work.” It was such a bizarre thing to say I didn’t even process it at first, I was just like, “what?” and he had to repeat it twice more before I even understood what he had said. I just chalked it up to old-white-dude

OK but the spread of the term ‘addiction’ to cover nonphysiological addictions is making it hard to distinguish one from the other, and biologically they are very different. Gambling does not hijack the brain’s reward system the way opiates do. It may stimulate it but it doesn’t go in under the hood and fuck with the

Only if you expose a lot of skin, not just face and hands. I live in CA and check D levels routinely in clinical practice, and a lot of people, even white people, are quite deficient.

It has nothing to do with insurance. It has to do with large prospective studies showing no mortality benefit to screening among under-50s, and a lot of excess testing and treating. Screening younger women seems to turn up cancers that would not have progressed even without intervention.

The rec used to be you should start screening ten years earlier than the earliest age of a close relative’s diagnosis. So e.g., if your mom got cancer at 45, you should start screening at 35. I’m not sure if that guideline has been updated recently or not though.

I don’t think the male/female angle is the right takeaway here. OK more of the men than women were ‘smarter-not-harder’ people but there were a fair number of women doing it too.

I definitely found dating sites to be the best way to meet smart people. You can suss out the smart so much faster from a written profile, and skip the small talk. This was a long time ago so might not work now but when I was online dating I left out pictures (I’m conventionally attractive, it was a sorting ploy) and

Totally. I once had a woman literally push me out of the way with her open hand as I exited the train, so she could get in faster. Holy crap.

How far postpartum are you? Career and independence will come back if you want them to. Body may recover better than you think s well, though it may take longer than you were expecting. Hugs!

I have to say I have the complete opposite reaction. Bright hair plus big makeup looks like a costume to me, kind of like when people do a heavy eyes + bold lip together, only x1000. I feel like bright hair is much better with a bare face. That said I mostly don’t like the look of obvious makeup on anyone so that’s my

Sorry about the pedantry, but the malapropisms (imminently for eminently, discrete for discreet) are killing this otherwise very nice piece. A small amount of editing would go a long way.

10 mo isn’t really that long. It took me a year to lose the weight after my first, and I still had this weird gut at first, but by 18 months out my shape was pretty much what it had been pre baby. (Of course now I’m 35 weeks with my third, have gained an unholy amount of weight, and figure all bets are off at this

It might have to do with where you live. I got catcalled constantly in NYC, and exactly never in Palo Alto.

Seriously? You can look at a mouse over dry ice and consider that it is peacefully going to sleep? They look like they are gasping and struggling to me.

OK but the origin of the seizures matters. If they’re electro graphic (identifiable on EEG) you want an antiepileptic medication, or surgery if that fails. If they’re psychogenic you want therapy, preferably targeted DBT by someone who specializes in this issue.