Vladimir "Polonium 210" Putin

New England should have seen it coming when Derek Anderson called out “Readyyyy.... down.... HUT HUT HUT HUT HUT HUT HUT HUT HUT HUT

When part of a diphthong, ‘W’ serves as a vowel, in which case you have to buy them.

I’m betting that this is all SponCon.

If someone else had dressed their kid up as Captain America, he could have told him to run up and deck Baby Hitler.

What is even more messed up is that the Steelers made the same mistake last year in Kansas City. Antonio Brown forgot to field the safety punt and the Chiefs recovered it. Danny Smith, the special teams coach for the Steelers, is inept. 

A story is posted about a 15-year-old girl being sexually groomed by her mentor and your response is “But she became a stripper!”

Does her being a stripper make her less credible? Or just that you don’t believe her motives for becoming a stripper?

I won’t be happy until this guy is behind uneven bars

Good luck trying to fit an armchair in the freezer

JLD is a goddess. Period.

I can't believe I even understand this joke.

That's so Raven.

So, naturally he shanked one right when it meant the difference.

“Without being able to confront your accusers and their accusations” - in court, when you are charged with a crime. Defending a right to ‘confront people who have been talking about you behind your back because you are an asshole’ as though it’s a legal right is laughable.

“With God as my witness, he’s broken in half!”

If you’re both grown ups, it shouldn’t be a competition. People have pasts, and those paths include other people. One can care about an ex without being hung up on them.

I imagine she’ll come out with something like,Meghan said when she was a teen that she wanted me to be godmother to her children someday and now she’s going back on her word because she thinks she’s better than me and everyone else”.

Her half-sister is gonna be so pissed off about this.

Your pants would probably be browner though

So what I’m hearing is, she’s the long lost love child of T’Challa and Storm?