Vladimir "Polonium 210" Putin

joker at least had brand awareness.

Preferably a very classy, top-of-the-line Russian yacht with hot and cold running polonium.

“I’m doing this to respect school tradition! Why do you have to make everything abut race?

Aw, so sorry that happened to you. I hope that you’ve been able to create your own roadmap so you’re able to be an awesome parent. I mean, you know exactly what NOT to do

Am I the only one that thinks the Jon Bernthal quote could almost be a Punisher quote?

Rockstar will make this go away by guaranteeing that they will hire Pinkertons to massacre their workers when the unionization drive starts.

Agreed on all counts, and also from what I read he and his wife have been separated for a year, and it seems like this relationship is recent.

Large group dinners are great for the person organizing them, and horrible for everyone else. They are organized by cowards, who want to gather all their friends without doing the work of hosting a party.

No. Trump is narcissistic and and idiot. This guy is literally a remnant of the military dictatorship that the term "neo-fascist" was created to describe. 

Unfortunately he’s far worse. He’s just as much of an asshole, but he’s not nearly as incompetent as Trump, nor is obsessed with himself.

I suspect he doesn’t realize you’re quoting Animal Farm.

I certainly don’t think there’s any excuse for choking a pregnant woman. But someone had to step in and stop Mrs. Rivers already.

I only ever used Tumblr for adult content so I guess I’m never going back.

“Don’t y’all have jobs to do?”

Oh, that’s who they were. I thought they were Highmark and UPMC executives.

“Morally, I don’t stand with him,” said Cammie. “He’s not moral,” said Caitlyn. “But what he represents for the Republican Party, I strongly support,” Cammie said.

Lawyer here, no this is not inadequate representation. It’s the lawyer’s job to present every possible (reasonable) defense that could help his client. Even though this was a gross defense that would have serious negative consequences if it was successful (if not subsequently fixed by the legislature), this is zealous

Thanks a lot, forced birthers.

Hey! You leave Melania out of this.