Vladimir "Polonium 210" Putin

Nice haircut, Alfalfa.

“I thought heptathletes couldn’t have babies because they were born with both parts?” - Emmitt Smith

Remember how people were saying there was really no difference between him and Hillary and millions of women believed it?

A white man whipped in New Orleans? The times, they are a changing.

When I saw this statistic reported on Twitter yesterday, it was embedded in a Tweet which read:

“I’m uncomfortable with 30% of the American workforce being homophobic.”

This essentially sums up my feelings.

Yes, you’re right. It definitely is not a sports entertainment promotion featuring musclebound men wearing sparkly spandex costumes slamming each other around for spectacle. It’s some whole other, more serious thing.

I believe the NFL is right that they need a very strict touchdown celebration policy. All touchdown celebrations will be graded on a scale from -5 to 5 depending on creativity, originality, inspiration, and emotional impact. The new kickoff position should then be adjusted by that number of yards so as to reward

Credentialed! Well, that clears Deadspin.

I made it 14 seconds and had to turn it off due to the RAGE invoked by seeing nothing but a sea of cameraphones.

In Mad Max dystopic wasteland, maybe.

or better yet a Darcy as Thor movie with Myuh-Myuh

When I saw the tied up woman I assumed it was Baylor.

That’s a lot of effort to tell everyone you’re going to go 8-5 and then lose in the Del Boca Vista Phase II Bowl

Did you miss the part where he shifted the blame of the botched Navy SEAL operation to the generals and Obama? This man is a fucking disgrace and a coward. No one should respect this man. What a piece of shit.

Pittsburg Blue, my friend.

Cooking a steak to 131 and pasteurising it then hitting it with all the fire of hell. You get the char, and it’s safe.

One, you don’t have a right to drive a car at all, it’s a privilege. Two, You still wouldn’t lose your ‘right’, instead of an age limit though I would recommend a certain amount of training and more stirngent tests to drive high HP cars, RVs, SUVs, cars greater than a certain weight, etc.. instead of the free for all

I wouldn’t limit to age, but more powerful, sportier car should require a special driving license. It doesn’t make sense that the same license that is valid to a Toyota Yaris is valid to a Ferrari 488 or a Porsche Turbo S.

Yes... bitch and moan about the death of a few destructive invasive non local species...