Vladimir "Polonium 210" Putin

I wouldn’t expect much from the organization that helped Trump win.

Because they’re the federal bureau of investigation, not the bureau of ‘Yep, sure looks like it’.

Amazed by how there are 2 Mustangs and yet 0 crashed.

“That’s can’t possibly be our client: he hasn’t hit anyone all year.”

NFL doctors agree the two men are not suffering from concussions.

“I knocked both of these motherfuckers out! Both of them! They both sleep! Shut up before I knock your ass out next!”

Feaster is still employed by the school but will no longer be coaching the football team

Jared Kushner looks like the perfect, caring fiancé in a L&O SVU episode who is later revealed to have been kidnapping all those brunettes and dressing them up in his late mother’s clothes.

Pictured: Trump’s next secretary of labor nominee at his previous job.

Thanoscopter AND Deadpool... or I’m out.

“You call him Dr. Jones, doll!”

Droids are male, but spaceships are female. The Falcon is obviously a girl ; )

English to Trump: See You Next Tuesday

from my vantage point, even one would be more than all her peers combined.

there have always been allegedly religious leaders who are far more interested in earthly power and imposing THEIR views on the rest of the world, and this particular brood of vipers has consciously gotten into bed with Donald Trump.

No the destruction of the country is the goal.

You know who else wasn’t impressed? That fish behind the octopus.