Vladimir "Polonium 210" Putin

*nods* I, too, have always missed my shots at 69.

When I discovered there was a gap between my girlfriend’s bed and the wall- when I heard her father coming down the stairs

Brady is to sophisticated thinking as Hernandez was to peer mediation.

Are diamonds a carb?

I play on the PC, and the grind really got to me too. Then I met a man who had a minigun that sprayed bags of money. My enjoyment of the game increased significantly after that.

Mike Tomlin stands on an NFL football field during live play...you think he’s gonna be told where he can and can’t stand at a high school football game?

Can we do a similar thing for the passengers?

While I generally agree and think she is incredibly awesome, I wish she’d gone big and asked to taze the President.

I think you’re absolutely right. football skews authoritarian and rural, while basketball skews urban/cosmopolitan and creative. when you have moment, check out members of Congress who are also ex-professional athletes and see how that shakes out; confirms your suspicions.

One of the things that keeps coming up, is a lack of understanding of the Constitution amongst the right-wing. I’m not American, but time and again I see stuff where I clearly have a better understanding of the 1st amendment than right-wingers moaning about being censored on websites. They fail to grasp that companies


I will just leave this here.

You won’t. Ex-President’s Club is pretty tight-lipped in public. I do think he might start joining Clinton for lunch with 41 & 43 though.

Oh daaaamn.

It’s really not that tough to figure out why, is it....?

Actually Rey will be recruited by the Star League in their fight against the Kodan Empire with Luke playing the role of Grig.

Yeah, that electoral college is shit, ain’t it?