Vladimir "Polonium 210" Putin

OHHHHH. I always thought it was just a muggle corruption of avada kedavra.

Oh my god. The look on her face is perfect.

I don’t understand why they wouldn’t just use the real pictures.

The National Mall almost as empty as Trump’s soul.

Masha Gessen’s remarkable composure when she discusses impending doom makes her case all the more terrifying. Her interview with Sam Bee was scary, but her writing is downright paralyzing (and vital):

Theory... Xavier and Logan are looking for Cable. They come across X-23 along the way and bring her along. They protect her all the way until they reach Cable and are against impossible odds to survive. Logan and Xavier die in the last fight. As a last ditch effort of survival and to change the future Cable and X-23

Wolverine piercing the 4th Wall, huh?

It’s called “doing the Lord’s work.”

you say this knowing that there’s a Now You See Me 2?

Ben Carson is a yawn made sentient.

good story. as long as you are ok with it. i feel like this was a “what could have been” story.

When I see carriers that have a ramp like that, I can’t help but think of these:

My first date with my wife. We were about to start our second year of law school, and she really didn’t want to go back. She had little to no interest in becoming a lawyer, but had succumbed to family pair. We had been friends through our first year, and I told her I’d take her on an adventure to cheer her up. I

Kingpin is controlling Thanos, and makes him resurrect the Purple Man with the Infinity Gaunlet.

I know the comment section here is going to go crazy, but before you hit publish just take a second to look deep inside yourself and treat people how you would like to be treated.

US Representative John Lewis, Civil Rights Activist, will testify against Sessions. He was almost beaten to death in Sessions’ home state. May he speak and bear witness for MLK and Coretta Scott King.

He was in office for another 17 years after that.

So we’re not just undoing Obama’s legacy; we’re starting to undo King’s.

I can’t wait for the Deadpool Oscar Campaign ads...