Are you from Brookline or Carrick?
Are you from Brookline or Carrick?
We’re going to need a Reconstruction-like program to prevent this from happening again and some way of rooting out and holding these shitheads accountable. What’s the best legal way to do that?
Paul Flart: Mall Shart
“Okay, the fence I can deal with. But this....”
“The guy is trying to make a career and in the end we don’t want to pull the rug under his feet.”
Oh, I thought sub-human meant that Rivera actually worked at Subway, not a farm.
“I lived with her for 18 months until I realised she did’t care about me in the least.”
I am still shocked to see people badmouthing Iron Man 3 and Ragnarok
When I was a kid we would go “tree pushing” in the woods and find dead trees that we could knock over and feel strong. We found one and I claimed it, yet it put up a fight. So I started rocking it back and forth and my friends suddenly tried to stop me until one said, “Nevermind...” and I got cracked on the top of my…
There’s nothing in the bible about transgender. I’d like to see the religious justification for this.
I have a friend with PTSD and her support dog is wonderfully trained and it’s awesome to see him in action when his human needs him.
Try to imagine the worst possible NFL preseason storyline.
...And Nutting will promptly get rid of them.
I always have a soft spot for the 2003 version with Guy Pearce pompously chewing scenery as Mondego.
Watched this without sound. And all I could think of was that he was dancing to Swift’s Shake it Up.
It’s like a twisted version of Pay It Forward.