And the roads are also absurdly wide. It seemed that every road was 6 lanes with 8 lanes to cross at an intersection.
And the roads are also absurdly wide. It seemed that every road was 6 lanes with 8 lanes to cross at an intersection.
Please refer to white nationalists by their true name: Y’all-Qaeda
“trying to make TB12 into more of a cult”
If I see a women dressed in hunting gear and a rifle, not a big deal. If I see one with a spread of assault-style rifles and/or in the act of using them, hard pass - it made the decision easy.
I still cannot believe that there are some many people who do not know what the stop line is for and then cause more havoc when they realize that the bus or other large vehicle making a turn cannot because they’re in the way and most likely texting.
Her favorite portrayal was from The Naked Gun.
I never got a cramp during breaststroke. I would always get them during flipturns, however.
My grandmother was almost an Olympic fencer for Spain (Rome - 1960). She was injured either at the Olympic Trials or between the Trials and the games (I cannot remember which, my mom doesn’t recall either, but I can find her name on the sheets for the trials).
“Tell em, Steve-Dave!”
A few years ago I was in a medically induced coma after becoming very sick for 8 days. It took about 3 weeks to be able to stand and walk on my own again after all of that leg muscle atrophy.
Yeah, if I ever won the lottery (if I ever played it) my first priority is to call a lawyer. Skipping some steps, but the next would just be to disappear for a year or two and travel responsibly and quietly rejoin society.
Because Justin’s a fucking shithead. Prince did not want anything like this done with his likeness after he died.
Remember when replay was watched at regular speed and slow mo and freeze framing wasn’t allowed or possible?
The NFL should rethink replays just to get Collinsworth to shut the fuck up.
This is what happens when you insult SJP, Kim.
It really seemed like the one bailiff was talking him down quietly as he pats his shoulder a bit as he tells him to relax. I like to imagine that he is saying he agrees with him but it’s not worth it (you can hear someone kind of whispering, I can’t quite make it out tho).
A-Rod got that lemon booty, or a combination of both.