Vladimir "Polonium 210" Putin

A quick google search took me to porn hub where this is becoming very common!

Which is sad because you know what really would protect the company? Punishing the employees who are actually in the wrong by either terminating them or perhaps firmly disciplining the employee in some way if it can be mediated.

Last year / late September or October, I wrote a spider to archive gawker in case it went off line. Would be interesting to run it again and see what’s already been removed.

It will probably just show he got rejected on christianmingle.com

More so people are lonely and desperate to find someone and will leave common sensibilities at the door when someone shows what they perceive to be genuine interest.

You guys left out the fact that Trump spells cut with a “K”!

I heard that to contact the FBI you now have to create an account that uses facial recognition.

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He was chasing that Rebel Scum through town.

That actor was annoying as hell in Jurassic World. I was rooting for him to be eaten on sight by the raptors.

The use of the word “forced” makes it sound nefarious and of ill will instead of a reasonable word like “unable” due to permission / likeness rights, etc.

All Feige had to say was, “Dr. Strange probably fucked things up messing with the Time Gem more than we realized on screen,” and left it at that.

“B) Don’t use a social network for your sex trade?”

Turn10 is going to sell the rest of the car model with their microtransactions.

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This was one of the best things to come out of this season:

If the EBS came on and just started spewing numbers ala a Numbers Station, then I’d freak the hell out.

Putin will take him out elsewhere if Manafort is abroad. It can’t be easy to get polonium into the US.

The is clearly the work of Project Mayhem.

I’ve had my H8AGNH8 license plate since 2000 when I bought my first car (it was a Ford Escort if that matters).

I installed this mostly because of huffpost.