Which is sad because you know what really would protect the company? Punishing the employees who are actually in the wrong by either terminating them or perhaps firmly disciplining the employee in some way if it can be mediated.
Which is sad because you know what really would protect the company? Punishing the employees who are actually in the wrong by either terminating them or perhaps firmly disciplining the employee in some way if it can be mediated.
Last year / late September or October, I wrote a spider to archive gawker in case it went off line. Would be interesting to run it again and see what’s already been removed.
You guys left out the fact that Trump spells cut with a “K”!
He was chasing that Rebel Scum through town.
Turn10 is going to sell the rest of the car model with their microtransactions.
This was one of the best things to come out of this season:
Putin will take him out elsewhere if Manafort is abroad. It can’t be easy to get polonium into the US.
I’ve had my H8AGNH8 license plate since 2000 when I bought my first car (it was a Ford Escort if that matters).
I am in both the photo and the nightlife world (not so much the latter these days) and it does not surprise me whatsoever. In my city, there was one vile promoter who was just a terrible person (and most likely a serial rapist) and finally got his comeuppance. Here are three horrible stories (of many horrible ones):
Russians have successfully fluoridated children’s ice cream.
I understand that self reliance is out of fashion these days.
Dunning-Krueger is in full effect in those wretches of society.
Yeah, the greys suck. Let’s punish everybody because Kinja has a troll problem.
We won’t get to see this one because it won’t make it out of Mexico with Trump’s wall.
They get 20 gold pieces from Tyrion.