Vladimir "Polonium 210" Putin

“a suburb of Pittsburgh”

It’s just a shame that Mayweather can’t read it.

There goes my evening.

Junior: “Look, Dad! I’m Putin on the Ritz.”

The Suspect

from another forum.

I would enjoy this trophy being handed out at COTA.

This is exactly what I’d do.

Fox did a great job of having commercials every 5 minutes.

But Marvel has made efforts to keep consistency in their MCU

I don’t drink, but I wonder if I was selected to be “the bachelor” or whatever (shudders), if the production crew would bring me shrooms instead.

I could keep that up a few dates until sexy time happened. If she was amazing in bed, I might extend it a few weeks until I felt myself becoming unhinged then start replying to her texts with CAT FACTS.

“Get in line.”

Countdown to Alex Jones claiming this was a false flag operation and Scalise in addition to promising GOP baseball player is also a crisis-actor-in-training.

“I was thinking in my cocaine-induced arousal, what would I like to suck on on the bat suit. I knew I couldn’t put a cock on his suit, so the nipples were my second choice.”

Trump: “It’s time for my weekly golden baptism. Ivanka, it’s your turn to do the honors.”

Old-Testament God’s ego is basically Donald Trump’s ego.

I heard something this morning on NPR briefly that May met / is meeting with the Queen to ask permission to something ala form a new government? It just seemed really odd and something out of Trump’s playbook that he would void an election if the GOP lost power in 2018.

You just spoiled season two of Scientology and the Aftermath!

Agreed I would not turn down the opportunity to call 45 a “fucking idiot” in front of everyone.