Vladimir "Polonium 210" Putin

from another forum.

I would enjoy this trophy being handed out at COTA.

This is exactly what I’d do.

Fox did a great job of having commercials every 5 minutes.

I don’t drink, but I wonder if I was selected to be “the bachelor” or whatever (shudders), if the production crew would bring me shrooms instead.

I could keep that up a few dates until sexy time happened. If she was amazing in bed, I might extend it a few weeks until I felt myself becoming unhinged then start replying to her texts with CAT FACTS.

“Get in line.”

Countdown to Alex Jones claiming this was a false flag operation and Scalise in addition to promising GOP baseball player is also a crisis-actor-in-training.

Trump: “It’s time for my weekly golden baptism. Ivanka, it’s your turn to do the honors.”

I heard something this morning on NPR briefly that May met / is meeting with the Queen to ask permission to something ala form a new government? It just seemed really odd and something out of Trump’s playbook that he would void an election if the GOP lost power in 2018.

This is why I hate dating, because I’m afraid I’ll meet someone like this.

Pitt sucks for this (and I say that as an alum). This just killed Pitt recruiting for the next X number of years. Granted when Dixon bailed they were already sliding down after a great number of years in the 2000s.

Isn’t that a crime? Genuinely curious if he can be arrested for inciting violence.

Democrats can’t request information.

Only property owning manly men, who bought property from Trump.

We’ll hear about a lawsuit against Walmart for failing to tell these employees that they could expense their milage. (However much per mile it is these days).

I know exactly what this is. To allow grieving conservatives the ability to use those birth certificates to generate votes in the future.

What the hell is it year 1817 ?

Being a bail bondsman is basically legal loan sharking.

This is a response worthy of Leonard J. Crabs ESQ.