Vladimir "Polonium 210" Putin

I didn’t know we were getting a Tango and Cash reunion!

Marvin Lewis is General Casey from Mars Attacks.

I do not think Alex has any clue what jump the shark actually means.

Ventura, would you like to cause a natural disaster?

Yes, he might be getting some social media intern or employee, but thousands of people just saw that tweet as well. But at least he doesn’t seem to be attacking employees at Starbucks personally. He could be saying, “Jim at Starbucks: I told you to shake my mochafrapaccino 5 times to the right and once to the left.

6. Keep daughter away from Josh

Spaceballs: The Eyeliner!

We did. It was that Ridley Scott movie with Christian Bale and fake Yul Brenner.

Oh my God. Can you imagine Matt Lauer or Brian Williams or Anderson Cooper or Tucker Carlson taking one for the team?

I heard McKellan said no primarily because he would have to officiate the wedding on another stage alone surrounded by green screens and a tiny altar.

But we’ll be total dicks to you and yank you off of a plane because we’re butthurt.

Or Shayla. Elliot’s prints could be all over that car.

There really are dark websites dedicated to selling drugs, guns, child porn and more. It’s not a huge leap to think that people could be involved with human trafficking via the dark web.


The big question is: Will the Uber car automatically slow down for the tunnels because it is scared?

Lochte and Co didn’t even file a police report or anything did they? I mean why would they. They know how our police act, why trust Rio’s?

Doesn’t Kenya still have a female circumcision problem?

I don’t know. Tosh is the ebaum’s world of TV. I wish on him the fate of Nicky Santoro.

The death knell for Wilmore was a few months ago when Comedy Central stopped airing replays in the ~6-7pm block the next day (same for TDS). Now it’s all Futurama, South Park and that fucktard Tosh.0