I definitely don’t subscribe to this theory. I think it’s more complex than that.
I definitely don’t subscribe to this theory. I think it’s more complex than that.
That wasn’t as much a theory as it was a list of faceless men observations. Here’s a theory - faceless men work for the Night King, aka the God of Death. Every time they kill someone the Night King gets to bring someone back to life, which is why the Arya must atone for “stealing” a life by being blinded: she stole a…
Bonus GIF
Haha. I am currently in Bedford.
Yeah but you get ticket for not having your car inspected in the state of New Hampshire. State is so weird.
I don’t live there anymore, but I have a soft spot for the seacoast.
No seatbelts!
More guns, tho. Also, no income tax. Also, you can legally drive your uninsured car naked in the woods.
I think you mean the best state (except for all the Massholes who use our lakes and mountains).
Because Judy Blume is most celebrated for her frank depictions of burgeoning sexuality, her new book, In the…
Everything she writes is my favorite thing I’ve ever read
Mallory Ortberg is the shit. If she thinks dude should be gone, I’m glad dude is gone. End of story.
No, it’s real.
brb never sleeping ever again
This is incredibly well written and well thought out. I’m sorry that your name pops up with such a terrible association, that must hurt but seriously great job on this piece.
What. Is. This.
Me reading this:
“It was an enormous, enormous triumph,” Steinem told ABC “We feel very celebratory and positive that we have created a voyage across the DMZ in peace and reconciliation that was said to be impossible.”
Not thrilled to hear that making hormonal birth control pills OTC might provide yet another loophole for corporations claiming religious rights from having to pay for yet more of women’s healthcare.
At this point, I should be used to seeing backlash against Emma Sulkowicz, but I still wasn’t fully prepared for…