Sorry, here in Miami it’s AC 24x7 until October, maybe November.
Sorry, here in Miami it’s AC 24x7 until October, maybe November.
In other words, the problem will solve itself.
Are we comparing times? I don’t know if 6:37 is good or bad.
What’s the dumbest question you can think of for a diner to ask a server?
They should be made equally aware of who specifically made the no-tipping decision, and also the makes and models of their cars, in case any delivery drivers wish to engage in any minor retribution on their way back to the shop.
And really, you can do a lot worse than a Publix deli sub.
I wonder what the app considers an ad, that it can find and block 79 of them on a single web page.
I prefer the Patrón model.
I’m trying to see it more like the cronut, or kale.
Not always, but often, and they’re spread out across the entire world of pop culture. That was probably the first Spider-man movie clue they had in the last 6 months, maybe longer.
Just go to Taco Bell and listen to some Santana. You’ll get past this urge.
I don’t know. I’ve been patiently waiting out ‘avocado toast’ for like 4 years now, and it shows no signs of going anywhere soon. :-(
And you turned around and walked out, right?
Jesus, it’s a real thing.
It’s a slimelike substance that forms to all the crevices and picks up every speck of dust. Here’s the stuff in action. It actually looks like it works extremely well.
Shock Treatment. Wow. The Rocky Horror sequel. And I thought I was the only person other than maybe Richard O’Brien who owned a copy of that. :-)
I’m just waiting for the pendulum to finally begin swinging the other way, and for companies to gradually stop caring about social media backlash.
I only wear New Balance, because they’re made in America.