He's actually seething because those fucking kids don't know their own audibles.
He's actually seething because those fucking kids don't know their own audibles.
Oh, she's still having plenty of sex with others. Unfortunately for this guy, she's disabled micros.
Everything about this is terrible.
The Claude Giroux Hat Trick:
To be fair, the guy was completely lost. Like most Rangers fans, he just assumed he'd be taking the L train home.
"Oh, so it's cool for LeBron James and Bryce Harper to be a minority owners. Whatever."
[Reads post about hockey and luck]
RuPaul's Boutique
Coach K (née Kellogg) actually changed his name to the more difficult to spell, Krzyzewski, because he is such a fan of white-out.
"We find this salacious report from The Guardian to be completely without merit. Frankly, we've covered this ground before and we are well protected in our activities by the Constitution of the United... wait, what? Oh, droves! Ha, droves, ok, got it! Yeah, that's fine. No further comment."
The Malaysian Airlines-sponsored pool dunk is supposedly way better, but I can't find the video anywhere.
Gilbert is just mad that Hibbert is trying to steal his nickname.