I found another typo:
Relieved Fulham fans will no longer have to worry about Jackson being in their sun.
Ha, that's not middle-aged! This is clearly medieval period.
Yup, an entire post could be written more broadly on the topic of the livestock system and its general fuckedupedness. Aside from providing fodder for foodspin posts, there is literally nothing good about it. So many of our massive disease outbreaks can be traced to the way our globe handles livestock production;…
They can bluster about scantily-clad women all they want, but every dude there is only there to get a piece of the fabulous moolah.
Oh, goddammit.
You are doing a real service here, SbV8. There is a great amount of info here and jumping points for further investigation/discussion by the reader
In the battle for worst NASA disasters, I think we have a challenger.
Winter* Is Coming
Imagine how hard it was to find a draft date when no one had pre-existing plans.
Each "Lord" (owner) was assigned a House based on personality trait.
I dunno, guys. Your cited source is the Nola Defender, so I'm pretty sure this story is full of holes.
This is a relevant and thought-provoking piece of contemporary art and social commentary in a very meta tableau. By experiencing their 15 minutes of fame yesterday and now appearing on the Today show, these two gentlemen are demonstrating the painfully obvious fact that they have no future.
Well duh, how else are you supposed to boot and rally?