[Travels to Fenway West]
+1 (I liked the first one better)
According to Massachusetts' unusually specific penal code, a 5950 refers to a "highly inebriated, white male suspect, publicly challenging civilians to fistfights using a barely unintelligible dialect, while smelling of Axe Body Spray, Narragansett, and Ty-D-Bol."
I sought work from a temp agency when I was in high school. They literally laughed at me while I was taking the typing test. Needless to say, my application was moved into the manual labor pile. Too many horrible 1-2 week jobs to count that summer, but the two that stick out most were working in a print factory for a…
I'm not gonna lie, I didn't make it past the part where you said I had a phenomenal body.
Florida Declares For NRA Draft
(Redact. Gamboa's reply works much better)
The "Deadspin XY" tag is incorrect. It's more likely that this excel data was used for Dave's Pie Chart.