Poignant Theater


Let's not jump to conclusions here. Remember what happened the last time we relied on "Harris Interactive" popularity polling in Florida?






It's a savvy PR move by the school to avoid any legal snafus. The last thing Howard University wants is to get served.

Sure, its easy to say that one side dominated the Rain Delay Contest, but in fairness, Ole Miss just can't get as wet as Southern Miss.


The family hopes this strategy will keep Francis from spinning in his grave, though they do admit he will likely turn over multiple times on Sundays.

The "Gronk-brother-hooker-upper" is a proprietary cocktail concocted by Rob, Chris and Dan, consisting of SoBe Dragon Drink, NO Xplode, GHB, and methamphetamine.




Ryan Braun’s Urine Collector Gives His Side Of The Story

Trump is simply alluding to the widely held belief that Reilly assassinated MLA.


Unfortunately, the D-1 offers didn't come rolling in, as he was quickly labeled a prospect with a very low ceiling.

This deserves some love