Poignant Theater



Setting A Goal And Passing Oneself Off The Boards: An Autobiography by Travis Roy

Close, but it's not a piano. It's simply Don Cherry's tribute to his favorite player, Andy Moog.

Every christmas, we end up with at least 5 members of my wife's family staying at our house for multiple days. They are all awful people. Aside from your tried and true staples of drinking, chores and spending an inordinate amount of time with the kids, I'd also recommend cooking. Every year I offer to cook just about



Representing the BCS bowl season in artwork is best handled by the new school of painting referred to as pointlessism.


The Beef O'Brady Bowl is an exclusive primo dish offered to high-end customers at the Capital Grille in Boston. Customers are served a piping hot bowl of fish stew that is pointlessly strained through the g-strings of Brazilian models. Tongue and beef tips are added post-hoc and the soup is infused with a bevy of

The Player's Union will never agree to any carbon-based testing after Julio Franco's final contract was voided when a carbon-dating test revealed that he was 87 yrs old.




Bill Belichick says the Patriots' entire playbook was inspired by the movie Denver Broncos' Team Practice and Walkthru, Week 15

I missed that thread as well. Tons of great comments in that thread and I'll offer up another. Not only was this comment funny, but it also gets credit for its sheer brutality considering the fact that you know Cuban was reading all these comments (and he had given a very sincere writeup about this friend)-


Caption: For McCoy, Life Goes On

Weird, when I google "beavers+alley+oops", I just get a bunch of hits for wire hangers.

something that was "way over the lines"