However, Rogue Squadron was awarded a penalty shot after it was determined that Bermingham used his glove in the crease.
Stern's taken criticism before, and he honestly doesn't give a shit what you think about some fanciful concept of "integrity."
HURD subsequently inquired if the UCA and the CI could provide him with Mexican cellular telephones as HURD believed that law enforcement did not have the capability of "listening" to Mexican telephones.
Meanwhile, David Kahn is still furiously making inquiries about a straight-up 'Darko for Aborted Chris Paul' swap.
Mostly, the classical music enthusiasts were riled up over the mocking call letters that Pujols ascribed to the reconfigured station, which were construed as a flagrant and derogatory attack on oboephiles.
Great, are they also going to crack down on all of the LSU sorority Greek Week shirts emblazoned with 'Tyrann(O, Sore Us!) Wrecks...our vaginas'
Getting to this very late, but you could go for a 2011 Vikings overhaul with PonderPWNED. It's even similarly alliterative.
Not surprising, as the teams only have to report performance in their majors and can exclude any information from their minors.