Poignant Theater

But with the advent of different media, there are now individuals who are not part of a bigger organization that may have a dress code.


What an embarrassing mixup for Matthieu, who simultaneously sent a photo of him removing his new Blu-Ray player from its box to MeatusTakeOut.com.

Goddamn it, why am I laughing at these?



There are whispers and maybe even some out-loud conversations around the hockey world about Ovechkin's problem being a lack of artificial help.


trying to persuade donors to keep the cheese flowing




This isn't nearly as bad as LeBron"doin' the Carruth", when he killed the pregnant hopes of many while hiding in the trunk of his car during the NBA Finals.

Could have been worse- it could have been one of those super-rare, double burnout Billy Joel/Elton John combo shows that they ran on a limited basis of about 3 straight summers.

Good point about parents dragging kids to concerts. I do have some hazy recollection of seeing the Beach Boys (likely w/ 1 original member) and some godawful polka or symphony shows w/ family. I guess I could amend my post to say that the Fat Boys were the first concert of my own choosing.

First Concert DUAN!

My client does not work with "Gus" or "Gee"


Unfortunately, Oddibe's water bill fluctuates so much because he lives under the false impression that he is supposed to be a "utilities player".

redact- too slow