Poignant Theater

It's still not as bad as 1986's horribly misguided and cartoonish attempt by a bunch of out-of-touch white people to breathe life into a moribund city via an outdated song. In the end, "The Indy Shuffle" will be just as impotent and polarizing as its predecessor, "The Harlem Shuffle".


Meanwhile, Francisco Cervelli is furiously scrambling to find a suitable replacement for his planned wooing of Prince Fielder, which involved a 4 hr lunch with Patrice O'Neal at his favorite NYC buffet.

Fuck you, Jeff Jaeger.


Furukawa is actually making a touching tribute to his idol, Hideki Irabu, as he gently floats by with his head in the clouds and his feet off the ground.

+1, have another


When describing both his credentials as an attorney and encyclopedic knowledge of the hotel industry, Amendola is quick to note that he in fact lives at a Holiday Inn Express.

Symmetricists everywhere haven't been this relieved since Ashely Olsen became bulimic.

As long as this is turning into an auto-fellating session, I feel justified in submitting my best offering.

Nickname DUAN!

Have you considered getting involved in a flame war on gawker? I hear that is a good stress reliever.

We can't pretend this all that surprising. The guy bleeds blue and white and rigorously follows PSU football traditions in all aspects of his life. Whether he was on the field coaching or in the shower with "Victims 1-X", he simply always needed to surround himself with unnamed young men adorned with pristine white

To be fair, the only reason Coach K was dragged into this mess is because he was called in as a last minute replacement for the "greatness" special. The original invitee, Dean Smith, was nowhere to be seen at the time of taping, but was later found in his den shouting out defensive assignments to the Teletubbies.

I can't believe i missed it. I spent the entire 64 seconds looking for an appropriate t-shirt. Sadly, I own no clothing with violent sans font.

Um ok. Guess I'll watch the replay.

OK, I'll give it a shot. Do I need to change into a t-shirt with terrifying graphics and indecipherable fonts to watch this fight?

OK, I fit your description of a guy who hasn't given UFC much of a shot. What channel? I need something to go to in case this Stan/UO game gets out of hand.

It really is oddly creepy. Matches up well with the song. Also, agreed on the Decemberists album. That's definitely in my top 5 for the year. I don't think there's a weak song on the album.