Poignant Theater


Things That Are Still Happy About Happy Valley

9. There's Still College Football! And A Minor League Baseball Team!*



[audible groan] +1


NFL players don't like old, generally disgruntled white coaches




You can hardly blame them for reacting so strongly. All you have to do is look at the victim's ages to realize that this is Penn State's very own 9-11.

In a completely unrelated story, police have arrested Keith Van Horne after he was found smoking crystal meth from a customized, 3 ft titanium pipe fitted with drop handlebars, while wearing a poorly-fitting, synthetic leather "saddle hat".

+1, so good

shown outstanding dedication to college athletics and particularly college football


Joe Frasier

I don't have any suggestions for specific events, but I can tell you that you are best off avoiding the general "flat-rate, all you can eat and drink" deals in 70% of the bars in the city. I did that a few times with college friends after graduating and it was almost always a let down for NYE. You drop $100+ for

Congrats on the impending arrival and get ready for plenty of poop-related adventures of your own.

Agreed on Raysism's assessment. I missed out on the fun today, but in looking over today's posts, you were on fire. +1 for the day.