Poignant Theater

Tulo already mentioned my favorite, so I'll throw out #2 on my list- The Moviegoer

An exasperated Scott further explained, 'oh man, we tried everything. We gave him some rope, we lit some pieces of wood shaped like Ts in his yard...ya know, t for triple. We even tried to give him a more 'merican sounding name. Obviously, since I'm an American and a patriot, I'm a big Toby Keith fan, but Felix just

Bowed, but not broken, the show will still go on for redneck performance artist, Luke The Mentally Disabled Guy


Mussina: Please Hideki, calm down and let me talk to you.


Never one to feel comfortable in the spotlight, Summitt said that she'd just as soon forget about the whole thing.

In contrast, Tony La Russa typically spends a significant portion of the fourth inning shitting out a fifth that he finished in the third.


Yeah, their arrival did spawn am entire genre resurgence. At least they've all done some good solo/side projects in the last few years.

Well, keep in mind then that chances of multiples increase with aging. Take it from me, even if you "roll the dice" and don't "dodge the bullet", you'll be ok. Obviously I'm biased, but watching twins together is otherworldly cool. They get into tons of shit together (generally funny), but just watching them explore

Oh it gets better. The 2 sets of twins are only 19 months apart. And, of course, we already had a kid before the sets of twins arrived. She just turned 5 about 3 weeks ago. All in all it was 5 kids in 50 months.

This is awesome. I rarely ever venture out into DUAN, and the two recent times I've posted something in DUAN it has raised your ire: calling Judgment Night a bad movie with a good soundtrack and now calling out post-Green Album Weezer. Sweet. I unabashedly love/d Weezer, but they started losing me w/ Maladroit. I

I can commiserate on the "how many drinks can I have and still drive laboring wife safely to the hospital" topic. We've gone through 2 nearly full-term twin pregnancies, where the "honey, don't you think you've had enough?", questioning began around wk 32, since twins always arrive early. Congrats on the impending

Fair enough. I just recall reading debates about this topic on DUAN and MBA threads in days past. It seemed that there was a question of promoting unstarred +1s and if they should be given in the first place and whatnot, so I opted to remain quiet. But, your point is well taken.

Weezer, STP, Green Day, Metallica, Rancid....this list is mirroring the college radio playlist from my mid-90s.

Can't this all be blamed on Brody Dalle (neé Armstrong)?

I'm in no position to give advice on slumpbusting, but I agree with Vodka- you are consistently pretty damn funny. You were definitely on fire yesterday. I follow some unwritten (and possibly self-imagined) DS protocol of the unstarred commentator not giving +1s, but rest assured you earned plenty of imaginary +1s

Pretty boring for me- Sam Adams Boston Lager. Just moved back east after 4 years in Seattle. I need to undertake the arduous task of finding tasty regional beers in my new locale, but this time I just settled for an old standby.