
Does $2 million even get you 1,500 sq. ft. in NYC?

I tried to quit a pack-a-day smoking habit three times, including a 2.5-year sting, before finally doing so in 2003.

More than a little disengenous; This is the new business of creating outrage with pure BS as clickbait. I mean, read this:

Hahaha. Is your RAM too fatty? Hard drive getting a little soft around the middle? Floppy even floppier lately? Put this bar in your CD-ROM and watch the lag melt right off.

Literally eating cold pizza (square-cut, at that) while reading this Funbag and this comment, so agreed.

They should have known the optics could look bad in certain combinations, but yes this was clearly just a dumb promotion for all orders. There was an update to indicate as such, but y’know, it’s buried at the bottom of the article.

I still have a soft spot in my heart for cafeteria salisbury steak. I’ve tried other frozen ones from the grocery store and none of them really nail it.

This whole thing feels like an attack on my childhood.

If you dislike reheated pizza, it’s only because you have never reheated pizza in a skillet on the stove.

Title seems a little disingenuous. Implies it’s limited to plus size orders, but provided no evidence that such is the case. Kind of a major distinction if only plus size orders are receiving diet bar as opposed to every order.

I’ll take “guy who knows things” shtick over your “performative outrage” shtick any day of the week, thanks.  

Jack Crosbie really wanted to tell NDT to “go back to where he came from”, but had to settle on “shut the fuck up”, because it is so much kinder and gentler, him being Mr Woke.

Jack Crosbie needs to learn to code.

Counterpoint: NDT has taught me many things, and Jack Crosbie has not enriched my life in literally any conceivable way.

“Do you want me to come down fast or slow?”

The number of people online who don’t realize that Grime’s “regimen” was a (not very good) joke is kinda alarming.

Eggs Benedict with fresh salmon under the egg.

They move on and then it’s business as usual...isn’t that how stream donations work?

“ha you creeteecize capitalism but you are also capitalism! I am very smart.”

Saying you’re ‘boycotting’ a company for a day is a dumb as me saying I’m boycotting Walmart because I’m going tomorrow instead of today. Or that you’re boycotting a movie because you saw it on Sunday instead of Friday.