
Justice for us is a rarity and often when we try to achieve it, we are victim-blamed and held responsible for our own demise.

Here come the hall monitors and the finger waggers, as culturally impotent as one of their trans buddies after she’s been on estrogen for a few years...

I don’t think ethics means what you think it does 

oh nooos - he said terrible things about a ROYAL - oh fuck, now we have to defend the monarchy because of diversity

it’s incredible how you conflate the two which is the best, while ignoring that the Root also writes about trans issues 

Imagine books written for young teens as mediocre! Or just shitty. Is it possible you’re judging work as an adult that’s not meant for you? 

it’s the journey, not the destination - twit 

you folks are discussing children’s literature - and I read some and it’s children’s literature, like one might dig into Tolstoy. I knew too many adults reading the books when they first came out, and it was obvious, this was just lazy readers reading easy work - but it wasn’t enough to simply enjoy the books and move

even when you win - by getting a transcharacter, no matter how badly named as a working title, it’s never enough. Trans activists are so overplaying their hand, that when the backlash explodes, no one will care...

She’s not - but let’s face it, if you’re not 125% onboard with trans activism and social demands and opinion, you’re 250% the evil transphobe. So you may have won the online discourse, the corporate posturing, the educational brainwashing and the complete and utter enthrallment 0f Hollywood, but you can’t control how

Lots of people get killed simply for being who they are...it’s also bullshit - transwomen are most often killed like all women: by someone they know and trust. 

J.K. Rowling is no longer a billionaire—because she donated so much money to charity. In 2011, she gave away about 16% of her net worth, or $160 million dollars. Perhaps it’s the fact that Rowling knows exactly what it’s like to be poverty stricken—she lived off of welfare at one point—that makes her more likely to

YOU can’t - most people can, because most people realize we live in a far fromn clean and perfect world - buy from Amazon? have China-made electronics? Love hiphop? Dig movies like Pulp Fiction - then either you have no involvement with pop culture or you make easy, performative decisions...which is why the activist

right - trans people aren’t upheld by the educational institutions, corporate powerhouses and entertainment and media conglomerate’s - it’s not like we don’t have a trans surgeon general - right - or the woman athlete of the year was trans or that trans women were invited to the White House - because they have NO

its’ not enough that the educational, corporate, media and entertainment industries are full tilt trans supporters, there may be someone somewhere who doesn’t celebrate trans people fully or disagrees with some aspects of a total redefining of how societies deal with gender (just a few years back, a penis in the

Imagine being on team Self Righteous and watching as the world ignores and laughs at you! 

the worst kind of anti-transgender bigot”

This is why trans activism always seem to fail: you call a CIS woman a revolting cunt because she believes that women menstruate and she supported a woman fired for expressing her opinion on transwomen in CIS spaces? somehow or another, biological men are now the oppressed and CIS women are the oppressor and you

JK Rowling loves articles like this, or any article giving her unpaid PR... her book is an Amazon #1 Best Seller. Harry Potter, incidentally, is still selling like mad so I'm not sure that the unwashed are as pissed as the bubble people...

Only to white liberals