Does anyone turn into a carrot? If no one turns into a carrot I’m not watching.
Does anyone turn into a carrot? If no one turns into a carrot I’m not watching.
It’s kind of why the original Dr. Smith became less deceitful and more cowardly as the series went on. That way there was less of a justification of the Robinsons to kill him.
The Bard does not require his language to be “fixed”.
Does Deadlifts but doesn’t do Squats or Bench because he’s worried he’ll get injured... something doesn’t compute here. Deadlifts tend to be more injury prone then Squats or Bench as the form is harder to judge, due to folks tendency to round out their back. Also looked it up Delaney is 200 lbs a 350 lbs deadlift is…
Every time I see John Delaney’s name, I visualize John Mulaney.
Gotta give props to dude for having the balls to call u up and open a dialogue.
It’s why preteens like her books so much; she acts and thinks like one.
I was particularly disturbed by Dessen’s tweets about how this one young woman’s opinion was ‘mean and cruel’ and had ruined her day. It seems this 50 year old woman has less emotional maturity than the 15 year old kids she writes about.
Silver and the NBA have handled this poorly, but it is also true that China, Pence and others have done everything they can to inflate this for their own personal, political gains.
(Condolences to Shaq and his sister’s family.)
my friend’s man is planning a very elaborate proposal in the snow this year and he’s looped in some of her friends to be there - he wants us to drive to a cabin in the snow when none of us have cars or chains that can get us there, and wants to do it outside while on a hike IN THE SNOW. bruh just give her the goddamn…
I mean, you could do that, but it wouldn’t blow up on Instagram.
This is the worst episode of Ballers ever.
Just in terms of her prose, Atwood is a phenomenal writer and her books always have that as a redeeming quality.
Having said that, I’ve not read Handmaid’s Tale yet for the same reasons you haven’t and I told myself I’d pick it up the day after Trump was no longer in office.
The Hall of fame question is valid, thats very much up for debate. But asking “was Eli Manning actually any good” is actually an incredibly stupid question. Yes the guy was good QB. He has a .500 record and won two super bowls with two of the greatest playoff runs in QB history. You don’t do that by not being any…
Diamond and Silk had scheduling conflicts.
Exactly. There are conservative black folks, churchgoing ones, for example... who have different perspectives on how people should act, who do not also have in their background that they support white supremacists or make excuses for Hitler.
So that means you can’t answer my original question then?