
Parks was in late middle age when she did her famous refusal - why does she look 12 on this doll?

forget the triple murder and its victims, focus on the killer instead!

and if someone needs some money, I see no reason they shouldn’t hack your checking account - because STEALING IS GOOD 

Note to fishbein: it’s not Puritanical to keep adult content off of a pay-for streaming service - it’s business. If you want to see naked pictures of ypur parents -= just ask, I have dozens

yeah - it MUST be the transwomen!!! It’s amazing how today;s feminist allow the ex-penises to control the narrative..

Were you outraged?

God, I wish it were 1996 - I’d live through 9/11 again just to be 33...

Pops a Boner...ah, it’s good to see we’re giving young boys writing assignments 

it’s Lester’s movie - he’s the narrator, it’s his POV 

thank goodness - some of us lesser woke folks problemed the movie for it’s lazy cliches (of course the ultra macho Marine wants to suck dick) and misogyny - but it does have beautiful moments and it still remains one of my favorites of the period.  

Not so little...*


If Hillary runs she got my vote - just to OWN the Trumpstain Filth 

the internet has been around since the 1960s, in the 70s I was using Compuserve to search online databases, etc...by the 80s using FTP, Archie, Veronica, Bulletin Boards and chat rooms was common 

Jesus fucking Christ - you weren’t there... This was not rape or sexual assault - it was a strange nonsexual outreach by one human to another 

isn’t it amazing what was taken from this story? You beautifully detail the death of a (shit) industry - the human and non-human suffering involved, and Deadspin twats turn it into a metoo moment 

the people? the folks who have reasoning capability? not the creatures in cages? fuck these low rent prison guards

I asked her if she had any sympathy for the trainers, who claim to love the dogs as if they were their own and who now are out of a job and a community.

The Mets are the hottest team in the MLB since the All Star Break - without McNeil, and we have Alonso breaking records- can you let have a little fun, please?

you’re an idiot - I clearly said that slavery and reconstruction are our great sins - along with the massacre of Indians and the sad day your daddy fucked something in the barn and squirted you out. Seriously. Disagreeing with a moron on the internet doesn’t indicate a lack of character - though dropping lame terms ofd