hold me beer - and then my dick -and feckless is the wrong word
hold me beer - and then my dick -and feckless is the wrong word
that’s called a hedge - oh, African Slavery is BENIGN - and they thought the white man was NICE - also, feckless is the wrong word - IDIOT
it’s amazing how quickly we turn on our heroes - Jay Z is a businessman, raps about eing a businessman and investing, gives, literally, millions to charity, but because he had the NERVE to walk off the plantation, he’s now despised. See Killer Mike on Bill Maher last week as to why you’re just wrong
Jay Z has given millions to charity - but, hey, you’re ONLY as good as your last at bat
I love Kieth Hernandez -he gripes all the time about the way things used tobe - it’s JUST A PERSPECTIVE Kalaf - like, for instance, you’re a whiny cunt who makes his money snarking the work that real men do...
five hits per game is HUGE
you - who complains about everything, will so be one of the old cranks - except, of course, no one will be asking your opinion
so true - that’s why people are so loving Jeff McNeil -
actually your mother called - she wrapped my dick in kale - now she’s smoking it!
no gun, just your mother’s titty
what’s right and what’s wrong? for millennia slavery was considered normal - that Europeans decided to justify freedom for THEMSELVES and slavery for others -via white supremacy, is not so much about slavery as it is about white supremacy
98 percent of transatlantic slavery... don’t forget the African history of ongoing slavery...not that you care about THOSE people
that’s a good question - maybe because Herriot is so mean spirited
not me - I think slavery is our great sin and there needs to be recompense for Slavery and decades of cheating Black Americans from wealth building devices such as the Homestead act - I think, though, there’s this perception that Americans rolled up and grabbed peaceful happy people and shoved them in a boat
you misjudge me terribly - but whatever, and O agree that the mass movement of slaves from Africa to the Americas is unprecedented and Unique -and notice how Harriot hedges - letting us know the African slavers thought they were selling people into a nicer kind of bondage - how long before they knew the truth
really? give me a similar situation where one group not only participated in the whole sale theft and murder of their own people to another but are now free from historical judgement...
Wow, Mike, you’re an idiot - how is it racist to point out the collaboration, participation and profiting off the slave Trade when folks like Louis Farrakhan - and others are HAPPY to trace tangential connections to the slave trade, ie, insurance companies - etc, and paint them as bad as the slave owners and task…
WRONG - there’s nothing to excuse the Europeans for their role in the slave trade - however there’s no slave trade without African cooperation -
Imagine covering the slave ships arrival without discussing the supply chain! In the Weekly Slaver News Letter -which was sent throughout the Colonies, much thanks was given to thoughtful Muslims who worked deals with the local Africans for discounts on ten new Slaves for the Price of eight!!!