
just saying there are loads of people who can do what they do doesn’t make it true - 

Cardi B fans pointing fingers at mediocre somebodies

you mean unsubstantiated charges didn’t result in a hanging in Times Square?

hey stupiud ass - you plan on getting old? now go fuck yourself 

because that’s what most juries look like!!!

tee hee - Deadspin overnighter calling a journalist a hack...

The cancel culture people who parse every word for offensive speech, going back decades, are actually calling out NASCAR for taking a safe sponsorship?

his NF special kinda sucked

if his sucker punch can barely move an old drunk - and the guy looked fine, then it’s time for a new job

DickSpin night shit - I mean shift...give the girlie the big story that gets the wood 

I know a girl from Toms River, NJ - a tiny town...

With a seven run lead, it was enjoyable as a Mets fan - even JD smiled when he realized Acuna had the ball...

It’s perfectly reasonable to believe that, at heart, both Kaepernick and Jay-Z are serious, compassionate, well-meaning men who are deeply invested in addressing the plight of marginalized communities

painted finger nails? of ALL the stereotypes to break, you gotta go with the insidious makeup one?

we KNOW that women do the lion’s share of child raising - from the birth, to their young formative years, to their teachers at primary school. We know that there are many fatherless house holds - and we’ve been told of inner city communities where nary a man shows his face to help rear the children, that single moms

Change comes not just from protest, but from ownership and financial power...

This triggered some old shit - years and years and years ago - before the 90s, I traded my Pot Dealer something for a cherry, Gibson SG - very similar to this:

just who do you think can afford $30 spin classes multiple times a week? The bored wives of investment bankers and actual investment bankers, lawyers - etc. No one is clean here - including a concept that takes a simple concept - spinning, and turns it into an elite activity that excludes anyone who can’t meet the

My 401K has held me amass close to a million dollars - with 25 percent of my investments matched by my company - it’s also a very low fee plan and we meet with an independent financial adviser once a quarter - so wtf are you talking about?

either you do or you don’T - I mean Unions are only good or bad - like life