it’s unfortunate because when schools originally had offered trans kids a bathroom of their own, they were turned down as they didn’t want trans kids treated differently...
it’s unfortunate because when schools originally had offered trans kids a bathroom of their own, they were turned down as they didn’t want trans kids treated differently...
The fallout from this is that the very people these bathrooms were intended for (LGBTQ students who don’t feel comfortable in the gendered washrooms)
in my friend’s son’s school, they vape weed in the back of the class - you whipper snappers don’t know how good you got it!
Anyway, chicken. If you’re grilling just plain old white meat, you’re gonna have a hard time cooking anything that doesn’t taste like you just shot it out of a caulking gun.
First of all, he doesn’t represent anyone except white men who cannot see their privilege and when called on it fail to grasp that they don’t inherently deserve the attention and accolades for doing simple things they should be doing anyway.
wow, you’re the intellect in the family, right?
Dear Esther - your feelings and a quarter means you have 25 cents...
what qualifications do you seek? Since the constitution really only speaks of three main duties for the president - with CinC and Judge appointer beign the tweo biggies, what qualifications would work for you?
no qualifications? as opposed to whom?
I resented it, and my resentment soon curdled into an extreme dislike. Pete Buttigieg fucking sucks, I found myself thinking.
My near 20 miles of biking 5 days a week has done wondrous things to my body
how is drag different than blackface?
the internet prefers the fake apology, the criticism of the apology, the second take of the apology and then we move on to the next outrage - it’s all bullshit
let me remind you how it usually works - someone shits on you, you shit on someone else...why folks think that suffering brings solidarity with others who suffer is always amusing to me -
A few statements do not a person make - honestly. As a Jew, I EXPECT antisemitism - am surprised when a big old thug like Fury ain’t antisemitic, and if the worst you got is a single anti-trans quote, to define this man’s life by a few a words is less than helpful - ie, I’m sure you lies before - we all have - yet…
Those checking out a Fury bout for the first time after a week of promotion on ESPN would have been completely unaware of his past, which is filled with homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, and anti-Semitism
Injuries have ALWAYS been a part of the game - no asterisks!
Diet is by far the greatest predictor of body fat...not exercise
that happened to me too!