
I hate my fucking Moobs - FUCKING HATE THEM - always did. and my matchstick legs?

never ever gonna happen - and NO ONE LOOKS MORE WUSSY THAN ME! 

I’ve been working out for 30 years at various gyms - including muscle head gyms, ratty boxing gyms and high end gyms - NO ONE WILL SAY THAT TO YOU EVER 

I struggle with my own skinny issues - always did until I said fuck it, but I don’t like the way I look and realize I have to work to change it - which I did - my legs are still skinny - always will be, but I’m strong, and I look good for a 56 year old man - I ride 15-20 miles a day and do a boxing workout on weekends

we need more honest gay allies - Like Cardi B! 

WRONG - and fucking stupid - those ghettos were not created by POC and the service failures in those neighborhoods are not based on POC

Playing defense only strengthens their hands - they’ll just come back and hit you with - what about Black Pride and Black Girl Magic or La Raza - what about them? huh?

This offer from Uber and Lyft is like a kidnapper offering you a softer blanket, as long as you agree not to ever escape.

you do the best you can - the little bastard will do fine - trust me: I’m a kid from the 60s, raised on formula and TV Dinners

Here’s a meaningless podcast which is so meaningless and stupid I’ll transcribe most of it for you so you can read how meaningless it is and also I’ll give it the extra juice of a sorta word of mouth so you can go listen to it too - but it’s meaningless because I say so...

The Knicks should bid on Klay AND KD - we’re good like that 

it looks like a feverdream from 1930s animators 

it looks like a feverdream from 1930s animators 

Is a dick towel like a cunt rag? 

we need good honest black people in charge

they enjoy it more than it empowers you 

I’m pretty sure there’s no domestic terrorism law because if there were they’d have to arrest domestic terrorists - which could include arresting the Chief of Police

maybe someone will peak through your bedroom and film you fucking - I mean, we all do it 

that’s really shitting of him - Urine in trouble now, buddy 

Tyson did his time - and was railroaded at that - 

that’s not really the director’s job, is it?