
That’s Clinton’s stance, “I’m a woman, therefore, I’m a feminist, therefore you women should vote for me.” Sadly Steinem, and not-so-surprisingly Albright have hopped on that narrative. Mike’s statement was a call to evaluate the efficacy of claiming one is a social ally who is telling you to “be patient” resting on

But Hillary is using her gender, and therefore her biology, as a argument for why she deserves from young women. Hillary made her gender an issue, not Sanders. She doesn't get to play both sides. Second-wave tokenism is to blame, not Killer Mike.

Now playing

Given the entire context of the quote, no, I don’t. I have heard a lot of “older feminists” talking about how young women “don’t understand the fight” as a means to promote Clinton, and to me, I think Killer Mike’s point stands. Telling us “incremental change” and “pragmatism” is a load of crap. A century after

I was at Morehouse last night and heard the speech. The reaction to the word uterus is really ridiculous. Killer Mike’s speech was amazing, just like his other introduction of Sanders when he was in Atlanta on November 23. Focusing on it reduces and confuses the point.

Trans girls aren't young men. And, if they're going through any hormonal changes, it's probably the same ones your daughter would be going through, because we have modern medicine now that does such things. So, how about you either take a chill pill, or have the decency to own your transphobia. Don't hide behind your

One room for boys! One room for girls! Intersex people get to shit in a cupboard!

“Do you feel it appropriate for a 13-year-old girl to be exposed to the anatomy of a boy?”

Trans women aren’t men, so shouldn’t be a problem for your hypothetical teenage daughter.

A “young woman” would not be using a shared bathroom with “young men” - a transgendered person would be using it with one (and only one) of those groups.

The term, biological sex, as used in this Act, means the physical condition of being male or female as determined by a person’s chromosomes and anatomy as identified at birth.

all this time and my favourite thing about DayZ are the psychopaths that come up

So you judge the worth of this cosplay based on a personal quirk?

Um who cares.

Um, did no one see the glaring typo in this tweet though? Philippines is not the same as Philippians. One is a country. The other is a book in the bible. He needs a speech writer Asap.

“Please don’t hold it against the ladies.”

I fuckin’ love fourth quarter Obama.

Honestly I’m more likely to believe that Kevin grew up to be Michael Alig from Party Monster

I wouldn’t say it’s not huge among females. Based on io9 articles on D&D, I say the girls like to just play among themselves without many guys around - you can thank the socially retarded “that guy” players for that.

Distance happened.

I don’t get that reasoning — if you can get vaccinated against even one strain that you have yet to be exposed to, you are still better off than before.