
You think just waitresses deal with this type of behavior by men who have felt entitled to women’s bodies since birth? I’m sorry but that is so naive. I’ve had 7 or 8 jobs, ending with one that is solidly white collar. I’ve heard it in every single one. These men started out as boys talking like this kid. I can’t have

By that I meant that the fact that the 22 and 27 year old are obviously responsible for these crimes isn’t by itself a mitigating factor in the 15 year old’s role. Now, if they were explicitly and not just implicitly encouraging this, that’s a mitigating factor. It’s quite possible that you’re right. My point was

You’re kinda wrong. 12 and 15 are worlds apart.

Not going to say I’m accepting of a 15 year old and a 12 year old, but I’m not going to say that’s unusual either and outright worthy in an of itself for admonishment... Teenagers and hormones. A concoction of stupid decisions.

The description from Madeleine’s piece indicates a pattern of pathology, so I don’t think he was groomed or exploited into doing this by the older men. Their unambiguous agency doesn’t take away from his less clear-cut agency.

Um I’ve heard grown ass men talk about titties and boobies. Should they be tried as juvies too?

It’s a matter of rape culture, not of the specific things you’ve mentioned.

You’ll notice I didn’t say the others don’t deserve to go to prison or that the kid deserves prison time. This kid needs major re-education or he’s just going to grow up to be his idols here.

Fucking piece shit, asshole rat-bastard, cocksucker.

Enjoy prison you assholes.

Companion Perks are permanent after you unlock them.

This glitch and the Deliverer have allowed me to become a silent engine of mortality across the Commonwealth. I am the Omega of all I face. If you see me, you have perished already.

even after it gets nerfed it still has good synergy with Sniper (PER 8). +45% for headshots with scoped two-handed weapons is still pretty decent.

Don’t forget he gives all kinds of ammo periodically, including (allegedly, I never got it myself) Fusion Cores. Also, the game actually fills you in about what he’s been up to since Fallout 3, so he kinda feels more real than the others, to me. Nick’s backstory is probably the most interesting one, though.

Right. I think the test for me would be if I was playing this game and explained it to my wife as “oh, it’s this adventure game and I’ve put the 13 year old female protagonist in a bikini after choosing to make her boobs really big” it wouldn’t go over well, and yeah, I’d say it’s creepy.

I don’t know if I’d want to play devil’s advocate on this one. 13 is way too young to be sexualized. I doubt it was just a silly costume as much as it was eye candy for creeps. I don’t think 13 year olds have bodies that a normal person would find attractive. I may be wrong on that last part, I had a D cup by 14, but

The trailer probably could have been better then. At least the one they play on TV is nothing but whaling action. I fully realize that whaling was a thing, and a big thing, for a very long time but solely based on the trailer I had zero desire to see a movie about it.

13 is the age of consent

2. What’s wrong with the game industry in Japan that, knowing the actual surrounding lore for this character, they decided that making a creepy skimpy outfit for their 13 year old character would be a good idea?

Even better than cannibalism, the Essex survivors were some of the first in the historical record to participate in gastrointestinal incest, which is when you cannibalize a member of your own family... I kinda doubt they take that on in the movie, though.