
Great. We have an article about an awesome cosplayer, and all everyone can take about is her tits >_>

Thanks. I feel like this kid is likely to turn out like the monster who raped my sister because this kid seems to have shown a pattern of predatory behavior. If this was just a onetime occurance, I *may* be more inclined to believe that maybe he can be rehabilitated, but I feel like it won’t turn out well if he

Thanks. I do believe that rehabilitation is possible, especially for minors, and I feel like sentencing and treatment should be done on a case-by-case basis; but I get a little wary when people are quick to jump to the conclusion that minors don’t know what they’re doing when they commit crimes like these.

I wouldn’t say at all that 15-year-olds are mentally similar to 12-year-olds. Also middle school kids dating high school kids is pretty fucking weird.

Ehhh, when my sister was 10, she was raped by 14-year-old boy, not because an adult told him to do, but because he wanted to. Being a minor does not automatically make you any less responsible for sexually exploiting or raping someone, and it doesn’t make the crime less reprehensible. While it’s possible that the

I agree, all three of them should be punished, and while I do believe the boy is somewhat of a victim too, he still should be punished for help facilitating the rape of a young girl :(

Yes! I’ve gotten at least 3 fusion cores from Mac, and he even gives uncommon ammo types like cryo and gamma rounds. Also I agree, Nick’s is the best, but it’s also really tragic :(

Ehhh, I wouldn’t say you really have to be dick for Mac to like you; you just need to be mildly sarcastic, occasionally steal from the douchy rich people in Diamond City, and just shake people down for more caps that deserve it (like Bobbi) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Cause he’s an annoying asshole imho

Duuude I totally agree. His teeth are pretty hideous.

I love Mac! Not only cause the perk and combat, but his random comments are entertaining as hell.


It’s not really appalling and insensitive when you watch the movie. In the movie the whalers are portrayed as monsters and are punished for being evil arrogant greedy bastards. The underlying message of this movie is turns out to be human greed sucks, the whaling industry sucks, and our current oil industry is evil

They don’t really address race in the movie. There’s two Black men that get mildly featured, and they aren’t treated particularly bad, but one of them gets serious side-eye when the first mate assigns one of them to be the second mate’s assistant.


Good thing you barely see the whale, or any whales really, in this movie.

...But you *don’t* cheer for the whalers when you watch this movie. The whalers aren’t portrayed as heroic at all, they’re portrayed as incredibly flawed greedy arrogant assholes and are punished accordingly. I mean shit, at the end the movie turns into commentary about our current oil industry.