Parliamentarian of Crows

This sounds great. I loved Lifehacker once and have seen flashes of greatness even during the bad years. It sounds like we’re going to see a lot more of them going forward.

Being completely tone deaf and stubbornly failing to learn any lessons from either their own failures or that of other gaming companies are the Daybreak values.

I haven’t watched the cartoon in literal decades. How likely am I to catch the reference?

The arguments about the purity of artistic expression would be much more compelling if he wasn’t sitting next to someone wearing a jacket that looks like he skinned a creature from a Dr. Seuss book.

What we really need to see, see, see are the new opening credits.

I suspect his novelist friends will have a few things to say about how easy it is to sit down by oneself and bang out a work.

It’s amazing to think that the thing that’s going to ruin the public’s love affair with the Rock is going to be the Black Adam movie.

It’s like Capone going down for tax fraud but much, much dumber.

The AV Club is infamously calling the shots over at Disney.

Look, I happen to know there are at least three square miles of Tattooine we haven’t spent an hour in yet.

It was a perfectly fine plan, if they had held off on making any more movies before coming up with a single plan for the entire trilogy. (Ideally, they would have done that before TFA, of course.)

The “maybe I shouldn’t be cooking” ethos would have been great for Disney to have discovered before Rise of Skywalker and The Book of Boba Fett and Obi-Wan.

It’s an all-time great soundtrack, for sure.

And if people want to get mad about manic pixie dream girls, there are far better targets for it, like Elizabethtown.

But they’re all also scientists who are supposed to be the best in their fields, so them being absolutely stupid makes little sense.

If this movie was any more troubled, Chris Pine would get spat on by a costar during the premiere.

It’s not an “urban legend.” He aggressively sought out journalists and asked to be interviewed about his story. The internet is full of such interviews. He’s a serial liar.

Did he “love” it, or did he “jump on Oprah’s couch love” it?

These are some strong words, considering some of the terrible takes also posted on this site. There are red flags all over the joint here, by your standards.

All of the wacky references to previous events are fun, but it would be great to just come out and say “first announced in 2012" once.

The notion that Mulaney or Tendler or Munn owe the public further access to what is almost certainly a painful period in their lives is bizarre.

The dude is an addict, it blew up his life, and he’s putting his life back together again. Leave him, and everyone in a similar situation, alone. (Not you, Klyph14 — speaking

I feel like we can clear a lot of this up if we just get a picture of Pauline Kael’s bare feet.